Transform Your Stress Response

Strategies and Tools that Fit into Your Schedule

New causes of stress require new solutions. Lawyers are experiencing novel and increasing stressors and pressures, whilst having the experience and perception of less time and energy.

Consequently, traditional solutions that require weekly hour long engagements, whilst beneficial, are not always practicable and manageable. Traditional solutions can also take time to bring about positive change. For many lawyers time is a rare commodity.

We provide our clients with provide solutions that are time efficient, fast acting and can be easily integrated into your daily routines and schedules. They are the very same strategies and tools used by elite performers working under extreme pressures including Tier 1 military professionals (SAS / Navy SEAL’s and Delta Force).

Modern Science - Ancient Wisdom

Our proactive approach is focused on inoculating against and managing the daily, often unavoidable stressors that can result in burnout. Through a combination of science backed, strategies, tools and practices we empower our clients to

  • Manage anxiety and fear.

  • Inoculate against stress.

  • Control their stress response during challenging events.

  • Rapidly switch out of ‘flight or flight’ into ‘rest and recharge’ mode.

  • Address both acute short term and chronic long term stress issues.

One size does not fit all and consequently our multi-disciplinary approach includes:

  • Emotional regulation strategies.

  • Breathwork practices including those used by special forces.

  • Technology that monitors, measures and modulates the stress response.

  • HeartMath

  • Mindset techniques.

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

  • Mental performance strategies used by elite military and athletes.


The proven benefits of effective stress management include:

  • Increased energy.

  • Rapid recovery.

  • Enhanced cognition including focus and recall.

  • A sense of calmness. clarity and equanimity.

  • Improved emotional regulation.

  • Better sleep.

  • Stronger immunity.

  • Greater fulfilment in both professional and personal lives.


We design easy to implement routines and programmes for individuals and organisations that can be incorporated into your work day and home life. Our approach is driven by the needs of our clients and specifically created for lawyers and judges.

We work with individuals and organisations both remotely and in person in the following ways:

1:1 coaching

Training provided to groups and organisations.

If you’d like a no-commitment, confidential conversation with Martin or Gavin, simply email as us at or call +44 7498 476 291