Empowering Lawyers to Transform their Stress Response, Increase Resilience and Rapidly Recharge

Modern Solutions for Today’s Stressors

Based in London, with clients from every strata and sector of the UK and international legal professions, we specialise in providing confidential advice, coaching and training on how to survive and thrive in todays increasingly relentless, always on - always connected, legal environment.

Whether you’re a solicitor, barrister or judge, our combined 30+ years experience of legal practice and coaching lawyers and judges means we have a deep, real world understanding of the daily challenges you face and their short term and long term adverse consequences.

Statistics and Silence

Whilst great strides have been taken to raise awareness and offer solutions to the challenges of stress and burnout, many lawyers and judges continue to suffer in silence because of a fear of being considered ‘weak’ and unfit to sit or practice or because of the long term results horizon associated with traditional stress management solutions.

Findings by recent surveys include 71% of 3000 lawyers reporting anxiety, 92% of lawyers experiencing episodes of work related stress or burnout with 83% experiencing regular stress and less than 25% feeling supported (YouGov) . In terms of judges, findings reported in the Judicial Wellbeing Survey (2021) include 45% of judges reporting mental symptoms of stress and 48% reporting behavioural symptoms.

Designed For Lawyers and Judges by Lawyers and Stress Experts

Our advice and coaching is targeted to the unique stresses and pressures experienced by lawyers and judges. Long hours, tight deadlines, high stakes, too much or not enough work, billing targets, demanding clients and judges, always ‘being on’ and connected, financial pressures and a lack of quality sleep are just some of the common factors reflected by the reported increase in stress, anxiety and burnout.

Burn Bright, Not Out.

Conversations and therapy have a very important place in the field of stress management. Our focus, however, is on empowering our clients with tools and strategies that can be used as and when needed, for every stress related situation or issue.

Our research backed, practical solutions provide real time, measurable and sustainable results that will help you :

  • Better regulate your emotions including frustration and anxiety.

  • Go into a hearing or meeting feel alert, calm and in control.

  • Shift from an acute state of stress into recharge and recovery mode in minutes;

  • Remain focused and centered when hearings or meetings unexpectedly go off the rails;

  • Avoid chronic stress and burnout.

  • Quickly recharge after a demanding situation.

  • Build resilience.

Science Backed, Easy to Implement, Measurable Rapid Results.

Using the latest findings from Neuroscience and the fields of Stress Management and Resilience, we introduce our clients to the most advanced, effective, research backed strategies, tools and techniques, many of which are used by elite performers working under extreme stress and high pressure conditions including Tier 1 Military (SAS, Navy SEAL’s) and Olympic athletes.

We recognise that ‘one size does not fit all’ and that individuals require and respond to different solutions depending on the nature, timing and context of the stress they are facing. For this reason we draw upon a range of proven tools and strategies including:

  • Emotional regulation techniques.

  • Breathwork practices including those used by special forces.

  • Technology that monitors, measures and modulates the stress response.

  • HeartMath

  • Mindset techniques.

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

  • Mental performance strategies used by elite military and athletes.

Confidential, Experienced and Approachable

We bring extensive legal and coaching experience, professionalism and confidentiality to every client engagement. We customise our advice, coaching and support to your individual needs and concerns.

Call us on +44 7498 476 291 or email coaching@legalwellbeing.co.uk for a no-commitment, confidential discussion.

Get in Touch

If you would like a confidential discussion with Martin or Gavin about coaching for you or training for your organisation then simply call +44 7498 476 291 or email coaching@legalwellbeing.co.uk